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Listed here is our current product range, including our newest designs.
To see a more detailed picture of the badge, simply click on the small picture, and a new window will open with a larger picture.

Each badge comes with three brass escutcheon pins, and directions for fitting them to the walking sticks, allowing easy and quick attachment of your new badge to your walking stick.

The design is created by a state-of-the-art acid etching process, and consists of a design including an Australian wattle wreath underscored with a boomerang containing the words AUSTRALIA,with the centre piece being one of the designs shown below.

Product Pricing : The recommended retail price is AUD$9.95 each plus postage. Price may vary dependant on outlet location and overheads.

Dingo Badge
The Dingo is a very intelligent, highly skilled natural predator. The Australia aborigines brought them to Australia 40,000 years ago. The dingo usually lives by itself, or in a small family group. They eat almost anything from kangaroos, rats, frogs, lizards, and even fruit. They rarely bark but have a wide variety of vocalisations, from melodious howling to a high-pitched yodel.
Echidna Badge
ECHIDNA (Australian Ant Eater)
The Echidna is an egg laying marsupial, which is sometimes called the “Spiny Ant Eater”, as it’s body is covered with coarse hair spines. The Echidna is found in open forests and semi arid areas. They live throughout Australian and New Guinea, and eat ants and termites. The Echidna has long sharp claws, which they use to dig into the ant and termite nests, and a pointy snout and sticky tongue to catch their food.
Emu Badge
The Emu a large flightless bird, found only in Australia. It normally lives in large flocks on grass plains and open forests. The emu eats grass, insects, fruits, and seeds. The Emu can run at great speed to escape any predators.
Kangaroo Badge
KANGAROO (Macropod “ Big Foot”)
There are 40 different species of kangaroo in Australia. It is a marsupial and the female rares its baby (Joey) in a pouch. Kangaroo are found throughout Australia. They live in family groups and feed mostly on grass. Kangaroos can cover distances of 9 metres in a single leap, and speeds of up to 60 kmh.
Koala Badge
KOALA (Nearest relative is the Wombat)
The Koala is a marsupial which rares its baby in a pouch. Koalas live in eucalyptus forests and eat only certain types of eucalyptus leaves. Koalas are solitary animals, and only group together in the mating season. The name Koala is thought to mean “no drink” in several aboriginal tongues. They do however drink water at the edge of streams. Koalas are no relative to bears or native bears.
Kookaburra Badge
KOOKABURRA (Laughing Jackass)
The Kookaburra is a stocky greyish bird, which is the largest member of the kingfisher bird family. (It doesn’t eat fish) They are found in most areas of Australia, and eats insects, lizards, mice, and the occasional snake. Kookaburras are sometimes called the “laughing jackass” because of the sound they make when arguing over territory with other kookaburras. Kookaburras live in forests, woodlands, and suburban areas.
platypus Badge
PLATYPUS (Duckbilled Platypus)
The Platypus is a duckbilled semi aquatic egg laying marsupial. It is native to southern and eastern Australia. Platypus is a shy creature, which lives in quiet creeks and streams. It builds a burrow in the creek bank with the entrance underwater. It uses its bill to locate food in the creek bottom. Food is mainly worms, insects, and yabbies (small crayfish /scrimp). Platypuses are mainly sighted, while it is searching for food in the early morning and evening.
wombat Badge
WOMAT (Nearest relative the Koala)
The Wombat is a large heavily built marsupial. An adult can weigh up to 40 kg. They are usually a metre long 35 cm high with short powerful limbs when fully grown. Wombats eat mainly grass, roots, and shrubs, and live in forest areas. They dig long underground tunnels, where they sleep during the day. They normally feed at night.
Badge Pins
This pictures show the pins we supply included with your badge, so you can easily attatch our badges to your walking stick.